旅行省荷包:JFK GO AIRLINK 共乘機場接駁巴士 兼顧大件行李運送和費用

如果您要前往曼哈頓市區,從紐約機場的最佳選擇是搭車。因為沒有直達列車,且考量到行李運送的方便以及安全,搭車是最好的選擇。曾經經歷過紐約地鐵的混亂,以及沒有電扶梯的不便,所以搭車是最明智的選擇。 2023年搭乘費用紀錄 Upon arrival, follow the signs to baggage claim & collect your luggage. Locate the Welcome Center near baggage claim and speak with one of the Airport Customer Care Representatives (wearing red sport coat/blazer) and inform them you have booked with Go Shuttle. They will call us on your behalf or you may call SuperShuttle directly by dialing 18 from the courtesy phones located in the Welcome Center. Please have your confirmation email available in print or on your mobile device. We value your safety. Please wear your seatbelt during your ride with us. 簡單翻譯一下 抵達後,請完成入境並且提領行李,在行李領取區附近找到歡迎中心,並與穿著紅色運動外套/西裝的機場客戶服務代表談話,告訴他們您已經與Go Shuttle預訂。他們將代表您與我們聯繫,或者您也可以直接在歡迎中心的電話上撥打18號與SuperShuttle聯繫。請將您的確認通知信件或在您的手機上保留訂購信。我們非常重視您的安全。在搭乘我們的車輛時,請繫好安全帶。

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